The Biochemistry Student

The Lovers Diary Part V,

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We met from online dating, I appreciated his witty profile. Part Icelandic, you say! I vividly remember the first time we met. I could taste his nerves. I can see it in my mind like a movie. Him practicing the suave french introduction. Him fumbling.

He was first year into his Ph.D, studying trypanosomes (they cause the sleeping sickness). These are parasites. Fast forward a bit, we were fancy friends for several years. Well, the length of his Ph.D. and a bit after. He had traits I enjoyed. Biochemical student, yet owning a condo at 25. He had a pick lock kit and would break us into the hot tub room after hours with stolen ethanol from his lab. It smells like paint, tastes like air. You get drunk fast. None of this 40% vodka. Clearly, I trusted him.

He was eager to swoop me up as his girlfriend and introduce me to closed people. That is until student vacation ended. One thing with Ph.D students is nothing means anything if they are on break. Nothing. The fantasy is temporary.

I was broken hearted, bitter even. I just threw him into the fancy friend rotation. He was scandalous and I liked that. His place, so boring and clinical. No warmth, I remember he had tape up sandals for a long time. Practical. Unlike me. We never had anything deep to talk about.

He used to have the only pussy picture of me up until the last couple of months. I wonder if he kept it. We never did fuck in his lab, we stayed at his home or fucked in the hot tub. Drunk and in lust.

I moved to a bigger city. Once, I asked him to see me. He took the ferry and fucked me and left the same day. Eight hours of travel for sex. I admire that. Nothing was special about our sex. We connected in ways I didn’t figure out. I loved him going down on me.

He eventually finished school, got a great job at a top University. Told me he wished he had pursued Pharmacy. Ironically, I saw him only once in the bigger city we both moved to. Last I checked in on him a year ago he was proud for finally committing to getting a girlfriend. Then, he was 33? How the time flies…How long you can know someone. Yet, not at all.


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